Sabaini and the international grape varieties:
Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay on exceptional soils.

Pinot Grigio: one of Italy’s most prestigious wines


Considering numerous studies, Pinot Grigio’s origins are in Germany and France, with major cultivation in Burgundy, Alsace, and Champagne regions.
In Italy, General Sambuy introduced this vine from Burgundy to his vineyards in the province of Como. Pinot Grigio then spread to the Triveneto and Lombardy regions.

The shape of the Pinot Grigio bunch resembles a pine cone because the grapes are small and very close together, making the bunch very compact. ‘Pinot’ comes from the French ‘pin’, meaning pine. Pinot Grigio is derived from a variety of Pinot Noir, one of the world’s most popular black grapes, which spread internationally from France: Pinot Blanc, Meunier, and Grigio. Pinot Grigio takes its name from the copper-grey color it takes on when ripe, its thin, wedge-shaped leaves, and its narrow, cylindrical, dense clusters.

The cultivation of Pinot Grigio finds its favorable terroir in cool, well-drained, well-ventilated, and rich soils. This vine is adapted to hills and plains and prefers a cool climate. Pinot Grigio ripens between August and September and the most common cultivation method is the guyot.

In Europe, there are about 67,000 hectares of Pinot Grigio vines, of which 32,000 are in Italy, in the Triveneto region, which has a specific denomination of controlled origin: Pinot Grigio from Venice DOC and Pinot Grigio Garda DOC.
When Pinot Grigio is vinified in white, it has a clear straw-yellow color, while when it is macerated, it takes on more coppery tones. To the nose, it has floral and fresh aromas, including citrus, jasmine, and a hint of honey. On the palate, it is intense, full-bodied, and elegant.


Born in a unique land, the Oasi Musella. As the name suggests, it is a natural oasis in the municipality of San Martino Buon Albergo, on the outskirts of Verona, cultivated with the Veronese pergola training system.
Oasi Musella


Chardonnay: the world’s best-known international white grape variety

The Chardonnay grape variety originated in France, in the famous wine region of Burgundy. Although Burgundy is commonly associated with quality red wines, it is also fertile ground for white grape varieties such as Chardonnay, which reaches exceptional levels here. There are two theories as to the origin of this vine: the most widely accepted is that it takes its name from the village of Chardonnay, a small commune in the Maconnais region of Burgundy, where it is thought to have originated from a spontaneous cross between pinot noir and gouais blanc, an ancient vine of Slavic origin.

The second version takes us to the hills of Jerusalem, where a wine called ‘Shahar Adonay’ was produced, meaning ‘the gate of God’, as the grapes came from the vineyards around the holy city of Jerusalem. The Crusaders brought this wine and its grapes back home with them, and the name Chardonnay is said to derive from the linguistic transformation of the original Hebrew name ‘Shahar Adonay’.

According to legend, Lutgarda, Charlemagne’s fifth wife, is said to have played a key role in spreading Chardonnay. The king of the Franks loved Burgundy red wines and always accompanied them with his meals. However, Lutgarda was annoyed because her husband’s beard turned red with each sip, which she considered inelegant. To solve this inconvenience, she is said to have persuaded him to invest in the cultivation of white grapes and the production of white wines, including Chardonnay.


Today, Chardonnay is a universal and international grape variety, found in the whole world. Originating in France in the 18th and 19th centuries, it spread to neighboring countries such as Italy, Austria, and England, before traveling to the United States, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia. Surprisingly, high-quality Chardonnay vineyards can even be found in Tasmania, a fascinating and isolated island off the southern coast of Australia. Interestingly, it is also produced in Israel, a particularly suitable place for this grape variety.


Adaptability, aromatic richness, and versatility. It is difficult to describe the organoleptic characteristics of Chardonnay wines due to their wide range of uses. In general, wines from this variety have a straw-yellow color of varying intensity.
The aromas are fruity and intense, with apple notes, peach, tropical fruit, and citrus. During aging in wood, the aromas of dried fruit also emerge. To the palate, it is fresh and harmonious, gradually softening with age.

White grapes from the Collina d’Illasi, where our Chardonnay Veronese IGT is born and grows.

Historic vineyards belonging to the Sabaini family, with a “70-year history” thanks to the great-grandfather who planted them. These lands are located on the right bank of the river Progno d’Illasi.
Collina d’Illasi bacca bianca


Sabaini’s Harvest 2024

The magic of the grape harvest: a ritual of tradition and passion It is harvest time, an ancient event that marks the passing of the

Vendemmia Sabaini 2024

La magia della vendemmia: un rituale di tradizione e passione È il tempo della vendemmia, un evento antico che segna il passaggio delle stagioni, un

Monte Pistoza

In the heart of the Val d’Illasi, at an altitude of 250 meters, in a hilly area about 2 km from the medieval Rocca d’Illasi,

Monte Pistoza

Nel cuore della Val d’Illasi a 250 metri d’altitudine, nella zona collinare a circa 2 km dalla Rocca medievale d’Illasi, nasce Monte Pistoza; un territorio

Collina d’Illasi bacca rossa

I nostri vigneti a bacca rossa situati nella zona collinare d’Illasi hanno una storia di quasi 60 anni e si trovano nel paese d’Illasi, in

Sabaini’s Harvest 2024

The magic of the grape harvest: a ritual of tradition and passion It is harvest time, an ancient event that marks the passing of the

Vendemmia Sabaini 2024

La magia della vendemmia: un rituale di tradizione e passione È il tempo della vendemmia, un evento antico che segna il passaggio delle stagioni, un

Monte Pistoza

In the heart of the Val d’Illasi, at an altitude of 250 meters, in a hilly area about 2 km from the medieval Rocca d’Illasi,

Monte Pistoza

Nel cuore della Val d’Illasi a 250 metri d’altitudine, nella zona collinare a circa 2 km dalla Rocca medievale d’Illasi, nasce Monte Pistoza; un territorio

Collina d’Illasi bacca rossa

I nostri vigneti a bacca rossa situati nella zona collinare d’Illasi hanno una storia di quasi 60 anni e si trovano nel paese d’Illasi, in