Sabaini’s Harvest 2024

The magic of the grape harvest: a ritual of tradition and passion

It is harvest time, an ancient event that marks the passing of the seasons, a ritual that has been repeated for generations, but each time seems to hold a new magic. It is a time when the earth gives us its fruits when the sun and the work of a whole year are transformed into full, juicy grapes, ready to be turned into wine.

It is not just about picking the grapes, it is a sensory experience that engages the mind and heart. Hands plunge into the rows, caressing the roughness of the leaves, feet sink into the still warm earth and eyes fill with a green that seems endless.
The rhythm of the harvest is never frantic. Each bunch is carefully selected and gently cut as if it were a work of art to be preserved. And that’s exactly what it is: each bunch contains the history of a land, the community’s identity, and the dream of a winegrower. Each bottle will be imbued with sacrifice, hope, patience, and love.

Because making wine is not just a job, it is an art, a vocation that demands respect and dedication. The grape harvest is the journey’s celebration when all that was born in the spring and tended during the summer reaches its culmination.

Nature is the protagonist, man’s hard work in the vineyard creates a style of wine, an expression of the variety and the soil that belongs to it.
The winery’s distinctive style is the knowledge of the identity of the soil and the variety, controlled and nurtured by the technology that man will give.

At the end of the day, when the sun sets behind the hills and the golden light caresses the vines, there is a feeling of fullness. The baskets full of grapes rest, and with them the people. Physical fatigue is mixed with deep satisfaction. One looks at what has been harvested and feels that, once again, nature has worked a miracle.

The grape harvest is not just an agricultural moment, it is a celebration of life. It tells of an intimate connection with nature, or better, of bonds woven and traditions perpetuated. It is the beating heart of rural culture, an act of faith in the future. Each time it reminds us that just as grapes turn into wine, so too can hard work turn into beauty, and every sacrifice be rewarded with something extraordinary.

This is grape harvest’s meaning for Sabaini.


Vendemmia Sabaini 2024

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Monte Pistoza

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Monte Pistoza

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Vendemmia Sabaini 2024

La magia della vendemmia: un rituale di tradizione e passione È il tempo della vendemmia, un evento antico che segna il passaggio delle stagioni, un

Monte Pistoza

In the heart of the Val d’Illasi, at an altitude of 250 meters, in a hilly area about 2 km from the medieval Rocca d’Illasi,

Monte Pistoza

Nel cuore della Val d’Illasi a 250 metri d’altitudine, nella zona collinare a circa 2 km dalla Rocca medievale d’Illasi, nasce Monte Pistoza; un territorio

Collina d’Illasi bacca rossa

I nostri vigneti a bacca rossa situati nella zona collinare d’Illasi hanno una storia di quasi 60 anni e si trovano nel paese d’Illasi, in